martes, 13 de octubre de 2009

the weekend dreams

Comet Gain están a punto de entrar a grabar "the weekend dreams", su canción para Doble Vida:

"we are also doing a split single for a new catalan label run by our old mucker-socialist author kiko amat who some of you more nerdy cg fans may recall from various sleevenotes and his gibberish ranting(its called spanish apparantly)on the "jaspar johns" song way way back-its called "THE WEEKEND DREAMS"-he specifically asked for one of "those angry mod anthems"so i took loads of vintage 63 uppers and thought what an awful world it was and thats what i came up with-it should be pretty groovy butv we aint recorded it yet despite daily hassling from mr.amat who with 2 kids should do something else with his time "

David Feck lo cuenta aquí

"the weekend dreams" y "el camión de la basura", Comet Gain y Hello Cuca. El segundo single está en marcha

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